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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Clannad, A review

dango.. dango.. dango.. dango.. daikazoku.. :')
assalamualaikum.. selamat malam sudah dini hari. hadeh emang dasarnya kalau udah ngerasain dunia kerja tuh.. agak gimana gitu.. apalagi kalau udah ngegandeng orang,ngegandeng anak, dan ikkeh ikkeh,, (uhuk).
anyway, glad to see you guys again. at least, even if it's not something necessary, but i, abudora azzamu, abdallah azzam, i said thank you for everything. for keeping this blog from extinction and make this one, be the first position at google first page. well, that's quite impressive even for me. but of course, by God i want more. because i think, everything that we could do, we have to do. so, God do not play with dices anymore. right?

Okay, tonight would be little bit different, i want to try, test my language skill in writing. well even if you find many mistakes especially in grammar, i want to say.. sorry. your critics and advices hope give me more strength to do my best. malem ini ane akan nyoba mbikin postingan berbahasa asing, jadi agan-agan yang dari indonesia.. heu, dah dapet pelajaran bahasa inggris kan? :D

this is special night because at last, i can create another post about anime world. you know, different world that seems perfect for us. even if you got troubled or entered the chaotic scene, there's always beauty and harmony inside. even we're just "stunt man" or "secondary character". before i write this one, another anime has been wrote in this blog. just like sword art online with full of spirit also will of fire and the powerful love. or sakurasao with emerging spirit of an amateur which try his best to make something that world could realize him. or the Full Metal Alchemist. a story of brotherhood and struggle against no doubt a-god-like-power because of the evil power inside the philosopher stone. so, as long as we know and we understand the true meaning inside anime, we could find anything that might be useful. so, forget to look for something Ecchi or Hentai. or either fapping because of oppai attack or anything else. because, anime means the japanese way of life, human way of life.

for this night, C L A N N A D are enough to make us understand, why anime could make us understand, which way of life human should take. a simple daily story of simple person. a boy with selfishness and laziness that only god could stop him, make a new part of his life when he meet with a weakling girl. that always afraid to do something, afraid to enter the community. under the japanese cherry blossom three in their new year to school. a simple meeting which means everything for their future, also their past, of course humanity past. combining the slice of life, tragedy, drama, until the metaphysics genres, make this anime, full of taste. from laugh to confuse, from smile to cry, and from cry to cry a lot. a roman of family, family life of course. under the strong pressure of fate and life. and anything that i couldn't describe one by one. because myself, cry a lot when watching this.

as like other anime, a setting for C L A N N A D taken the high school period. in a untold city that have many myth. myth about happiness. high school life that started with the main character helping many people, of course weird and irrational students in his school. from a little-cute-ghost that likes a starfish, until the holy-frickin-smart girl that tried to find the secret of our world. well, i just say, the different from this anime comparing to others is, how readers or viewers manipulated by the story. why? always started by normal and beautiful life, very beautiful till we cannot predicted, what happen next?, but suddenly, a sorrowful conflict, painful feels, and another things that make viewers confused and also, cried or feel something wrong with his heart. because what? the reality that created in this anime was strong enough, and quite realistic according to true world, our world. have you ever imagine when your beloved friends that he died, and suddenly back to your side again? do many meaningful things with you? and suddenly, because of you, little mistake that you do not understand, he left you, forever. in second time. that's it! the reason why the feel of every character in this anime could feel perfectly by viewer. and this thing, make C L A N N A D different. so different.

the second thing, we always know something about family. the smallest social organization in community. and, what if, your family have been cursed. had a seriously full of crap life. just like bad luck bryan maybe. but i think bryan never got any fun or any happiness. sorry bryan. but in this anime, well just like before, when your family got little happiness, like got new baby, or a peace declaration between internal family conflict, suddenly you see something behind all of this, and the effect after that happiness, is seriously a doom!. you do not know why your father transform to a drunkard and you had a streotype that he was a drunkard and useless person, and after that you know that your father must go to jail because of his own fault! and you lost your carrier! i think, you want to cut off your father head right? but, after you find your grandmother, he told you everything that you forget about your childhood, about how your father give you everything, everything till his last breathe. try to create a useful smile, of course your smile. when he was under a mighty sadness. and then.. it closed by a scene you hug by your child. a small child that do not know anything but you blame her/him for every pain that you feel! and he/she said loves you! and want to cry only in your hug! what the.. God.. good God.. you know what.. my eyes feels hot.. well, this is just a mess..

and the last thing. we know how gloomy sunday or karlmeyer could affect his listener to do something bad. and a rumor said, that listening karlmeyer reverse more than 3 times, you turn in to crazy person. well, the backsound, in every film or anime, means the true feeling that creator wants to hypnotize their viewer. so does clannad. it did a huge mess.. for my eyes, and great success for this project. song like dango daikazoku, a full-aragement sadness music in every beginning of part, surely make me crazy. i said when i started to watch this anime, "when dango daikazoku instrument played in f*ckin sad scene, i need more tissue, and maybe my puppy doll will getting wet". ang that happens, more than three times. (for your information, maybe you know something about angel beats? i do not cry even a little in hinata-yui scene or kanade-otonashi scene. for a reason) and that three times was a tsunami. and so, the story, and the music, also the realistic themes. that three point of C L A N N A D that make him very recommended for every people.. young or elder.

well, even in the graphics and artwork not good enough (bishoujo style) but at least, sometime we need to understand and enjoy the story.. that's it.

ho, well, this is my closing statement. i just want to say, enjoy, and always said "thank you" to every people around you, to every people that important for you. never cut off the brotherhood or annoy the neighborhood. and also, Thanks to our God, that give us this beautiful life. alhamdulillah.

so that's all my opinion and review abaou C L A N N A D.. well, send me advices or critics, for make my blog, and our world better. thank you very much

Muhammad Abdullah ;Azzam, Colleague Student of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. division Economics and business, in Management Focus.

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